annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: She's leaving!


She's leaving!

Bleh actually got hired by another human that spoke to her. She's leaving our office in 2 weeks.

I admit I'm a bit nonplussed about the whole thing, as I don't have to see her on a regular basis now anyway, so her leaving is just kinda anticlimactic for me.

I spent the better part of 7 years dealing with her bullshit. Life has been so much lighter since my lateral promotion, the news of her leaving is just icing on the cake.

So, barring any particularly egregious behavior I hear about Bleh in the next two weeks, this is my last post on this blog.

Many thanks to you, Gentle Readers. You allowed me a space to vent and voiced your sympathies/support.

End of an era.

1 comment:

ericajanine said...

If if if you start up some other writing project, please let all of us know. :) Best of luck and good tidings and so on... E.