annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Oh the mess...


Oh the mess...

As long-time readers know, Bleh is a crier. She cries when she's been wronged, when she's overwhelmed, when she's tired, when she's not getting her way, and definitely when she's deseperate.

The Head Honcho is retiring next month. With that knowledge, Bleh went to her this summer, cried about how she was worried about her job, and got herself temporarily PROMOTED to Department Head of a department whose Head went on sabbatical this Autumn! AND she got herself a raise in the process!

So what does Bleh do after brown-nosing her way to new heights due to having a sucker for a boss? Bleh complains. That's right, she f***king COMPLAINS about all the work she now has to do.

Um, excuse me,  Bleh, but you got a new title (that you did nothing to deserve!) and a chunk of change to do this new work, so STFU. The rest of us have taken on the burden of 2 or 3 new duties because of severe budget cuts and none of us got promotions or raises of any kind. We didn't even get a thank you; instead we did it because we want to keep our jobs in this sh*tty economy.

Wow. Give Bleh special treatment, give her everything she wants, and the crying continues. I can't roll my eyes back in my head far enough to display just how much of a baby she is. Seriously!

I'll be glad when she's thrown off her perch in January and her precious title and raise go away. Maybe she'll learn a little humility?

Nah, this is Bleh we're talking about. Humility isn't in her vocabulary.

P.S. She actually told everyone she was applying for another job in the next town over. I don't think she got it, though. She's still here.

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