annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: More fake than fake


More fake than fake

Bleh's been out of the office for two days because her 16 yr old son is sick at home.

Usually, this would not raise my eyebrow. However, it's currently a school holiday and The Husband has the days off as well. So, why isn't HE taking care of the sick kid?? Not that I want Bleh to be in the office, but dang, doesn't she realize how transparent she's being?

Doesn't The Supervisor get it? Apparently not.

Oh, the humanity. . .


Anonymous said...

haha I love your blog. I can definitely relate. Gave me my smile for the day...

Anonymous said...

Get a real life. She can sue you for this blog.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2, how can she sue anyone if she doesn't know who the author is?