annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: On the phone again (and again)


On the phone again (and again)

I've been writing this blog for 5 years. Some things around here never change. This morning, The Husband calls Bleh to, wait for it..., that's right, make a phone call for him!

This man is so helpless! He has a Ph.D. yet he cannot call anyone but his wife to ask her to call people. I don't get it either.


Sedition said...

For as long as I've been reading this, my very own Bleh has done nothing but get louder and more reckless with her personal phone calls. And because I apparently am your parallel universe counterpart, my Bleh talks to her husband who also is a doctor, too!

The only thing we are missing, dear robot kindred, is the airlock. Please let me know if you find a spaceflight on discount.

Anonymous said...

Is this her?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, nope, that's not her; however, the posture is definitely one she assumes. It's like her knees cannot bend or something. It makes for some very uncomfortable views in the office sometimes.

Chronicles of Bleh