annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Widdle Baby Boy Needs Some Sweep...


Widdle Baby Boy Needs Some Sweep...

Bleh emailed us to say she'd be late this morning because she wanted her son to be able to sleep in before his last final exam today.

Uh, okay...? How does that make Bleh late for work?

Oh, right...The Husband is completely helpless, so obviously he can't take the kid to school. What a weird family. And yet again, they have an impact upon my workplace. Sheesh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Already you rank highly for the keyword 'bleh' in Google search. Try putting some adwords on this thing. Use google analytics to get more information about your traffic.

I read your post about how you feel like you are stuck with this job; The economy and the other excuses about your education pidgeon holing you into a field where there are not many openings.

Just put ads on this blog for starters. Paste the traffic stats script from Google Analytics. Nothing wrong with venting, but you have to start somewhere if you want a change.

Once you do the above I will show you how to increase your traffic.