annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Lies Up Until the End


Lies Up Until the End

The cleaning lady is retiring. Bleh signed the card for her with this note:

"I will miss our hugs and talks! You are a dear."

Long-time readers will note this is a bald-faced lie, as you know Bleh asked me on numerous occasions to "call" her to interrupt said "hugs and talks" because she didn't want to engage in them since the cleaning lady tended to go on and on and on when anyone made the mistake of saying "How are you?" to her. (Cleaning Lady thought this question actually meant people wanted to hear all about her shit.)

I guess now that the cleaning lady is leaving, Bleh feels free to lie and say she enjoyed said talks since there won't be any more. I think Bleh's just relieved that the person who annoys her is retiring. I wish Bleh would retire. Oh well, at least I won't have to pretend not to notice Bleh trying to get my attention to "save her" anymore. Heh.

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