annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Eye-roll Number 345


Eye-roll Number 345

Long time readers know that Bleh and her daughter, Mini-Bleh, are attached at the hip, because they have an exceptionally healthy and non-dependent relationship.

Well, Mini-Bleh is off to Grandma's house and lost her cell phone. She found a phone to call her mother here at the office to tell her she lost said phone and now Bleh is off to mail her cell phone to Mini-Bleh so she can "be in contact with her at all times." (Yes, actual quote from Bleh.)

I guess Grandma has no phone? I guess Bleh can't let her kid go for more than 24 hours? I guess I get to hear all about it now, especially since Mini-Bleh will have her damned phone. Gawd! Even when the kid is in another state, she's here at the f*ckin' office.

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