annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: STOP THE PRESSES!



Wow, I guess in the 21st century, people don't yell that anymore. Anyway, here's the big news:

Bleh is wearing a pair of pants that DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go up her crack! This is a first! Amazing! I never thought a day would come where I would write such a thing. Sad (on many levels) but true.

Maybe she got tired of having fabric in places fabric shouldn't be? Maybe someone who cares about her told her about her consistent fashion faux pas? Who knows? Who cares? My eyes are not bleeding today and that, my friends, is a good thing.


callmehats said...

Oh my god! I used to read your blog years ago. I found it by accident while sitting at work hating my older coworker who never shuts up. I typed bleh into google because that's what I think when she starts talking, and this came up. It was like the internet gods heard the prayer that I could not articulate and said, "Behold. You are not alone." I was just wondering what ever happened with this blog, and I am delighted to see that it is still going. It is impressive that you have dedicated 5 years to listing the ways in which someone is terrible. It would probably blow Bleh's mind if she knew. And maybe she will never know. But there is something almost noble about your unyielding secret protest of someone who is just awful. I wrote my master's thesis on spite, and your project warms my heart in that wonderful schadenfreudistic kind of way.

Soldier on! For young people in cubicles everywhere who spend their days working alongside dreadful old women who are out to pasture and don't pull their weight and refuse to learn new skills so that you end up handling their work too because it's just easier for supervisors to give it to you than try to prod an apathetic old cow into doing the job that she gets paid way more than you to do because she has been there forever.

Anonymous said...

Pants that don't divide and separate? Sounds like an excuse for a boozer to me!

Anonymous said...

Just want you to know I have been reading your blog for awhile now, and you are my hero. We all need someone like you in the office.

Please keep the laughs coming.

Anonymous said...

Me too... just found your blog. I must work with Bleh's twin brother, an executive assistant, CEO-wannabe.

I never thought about therapy or religion (or jail) much until I was forced to move next to his cubicle. My productivity has gone from making sure my deadlines are met, to continuous contemplation on ways to shut him and his cell phone up.

We all hate him.
I'm sharing your blog
Thank you.

-Crazy in NorCal

Anonymous said...

If I were you, I wouldn't even look at her to see if her pants are up her crack...try to put blinders on (unless I guess u are forced to look at her for some reason, like where you sit in relation to where she sits?)...ugh she sounds HORRIBLE!