annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Mini Bleh


Mini Bleh

Mini's been by 3 times so far this morning, once for yogurt (?), and now to show "Mommy" something on the computer. Of course, it's all non-work-related nonsense.

Many readers ask why I put up with this crap. Well, I'd like to let you all know I'm in the process of applying for schooling for a career change. It's going to take a while, but in the long run, I'll get another job and Bleh can continue to rot in her cubicle throne room of narcissistic whining, surrounded by her weirdo family who always seem to be here.

I feel better already.


Anonymous said...

I found your blog today as I was googling bleh.. First of, I surely hope you're not actually maintaining this blog during office hours??? Secondly: you really should mind your own business a bit more, how on earth can you get worked up like this? Over a silly co-worker, really?
And also, please stop showcasing the 'I work so hard because I was here at 7.45 and therefore I am better', it's arrogant and attention seeking. You do not sound like a fun person to work with at all, maybe that's why you didn't get any cake...

Anonymous said...

Ouch. For someone googling a pointless word you sure have a lot of opinions of someone who didn't ask for them.

Don't like the blog? Leave.

Anonymous said...


If you don't have a blah in your office... than you are your offices blah

Cindy Lou said...

Also @ 10:27...

First off, it's "first oFF". Two "f's". TWO. Sheesh.

Having worked with my own personal "Bleh" for what seems like an eternity (although I'm sure it's only been a few weeks) all I can say is it HELPS to know there are other poor souls out there who have to put up with utterly useless nincompoops such as Bleh AND her entire family. Ever heard of a support group? Well, that's what THIS is. Don't let the door hit you, 10:27... etc. etc.

I only wish I had the energy to blog about the cretin that's invaded MY office space. Screws up left and right - and in an engineering firm this is the kiss of death. Comparing the inventory of feminine hygiene products over the phone with her daughter, whom she must tell at least 5 times in every conversation how much she is loved. Because the other times she talks to here they are usually yelling at each other.

I'm developing callouses in my ear canals from having to wear headphones ALL DAY LONG rather than listen to this uncouth cow alternately chomp her way through an entire bag of Doritos, yell questions across the entire office, or cackle like a drunken hyena and discuss her latest attempts at scoring prescription pain pills and the illegal substances she consumes while away from work.

Who the F hired her? How did she ever pass a drug screen? Why us, oh lord... WHY?

I love this blog - it's a way to laugh about these a-holes we are forced to deal with.