annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Mini-Bleh Update & other random stuffs


Mini-Bleh Update & other random stuffs

Now that Mini-Bleh is close-by, she is around ALL the time. She stops in to talk to "Mommy," as she calls Bleh, 3, 4, 5 times a day. Does anyone say anything to Bleh about all these obvious personal gab-fests? No, of course not.

In other news, The Husband has purchased a plane. Yes, a plane. Now they own a boat and a plane. Well, aren't they just special? It's be great if they'd all pile in one of them and take a one-way trip to Mexico.


Annoying Coworker said...

The best way to deal with an annoying coworker is to simply communicate the problem to them. Approaching the annoying coworker one on one in a respectful manner will give you the best results. If you're not a fan of confrontations or don't want her to know it's you that's upset, then there's a website that will send her a letter about the problem for you, Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Not if said coworker cries if you say even the most constructive criticism to her. It's a powder keg worth avoiding.