annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Just hold on...the week is almost over...


Just hold on...the week is almost over...

Reader Question:

"Just curious, is the daughter a mini-bleh? At least she seems to want to be punctual, but on the other hand there is the gabbing. Does she do any work? Does she wear normal clothes or bleh-clothes? Is she obnoxious in her own right? And what in the world do the two talk about so much?"

She's somewhat a mini-Bleh. (I think we'll call her that from now-on, especially since she's now technically a coworker.) I guess she works, she's in the department next door (which just makes it too easy for her to wander over here IMHO). I don't really know. I saw her cleaning shelves yesterday, so they've got her doing something. She wears normal-looking teenager clothes. Her laugh is pretty obnoxious; it's rather like a throaty machine-gun fire. As for what Bleh and her spawn talk about, it varies. Mini-Bleh has been in here 5 times today. Mostly it's banal stuff, but the most recent had something to do with the Beatles. Oh gods, Bleh even 'sang' a bit of one of their songs. Oh, now Mini-Bleh is back --- WTF?

Fortunately, there's a happy hour in my future this evening. Unfortunately, it's a work happy hour and Bleh (and most likely mini-Bleh will too) be there. Forty hours/week is more than enough Bleh for me, I can't promise to enjoy myself. Hopefully a few drinks will make her melt into the wallpaper. I promise not to punch her.

1 comment:

nacky said...

Wow, thanks for answering my questions. I was picturing Mini-Bleh as a kind of clone, which would be even worse for you (twice the pants). I hope you make it through the summer with your sanity intact.