annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Some improvement, some backsliding


Some improvement, some backsliding

Bleh's actually been on-time for work this week! (I know! Right?) Seems her daughter doesn't like to be late. Hmmm...why couldn't her daughter have insisted on being on time for the past 4 years? Anyway, we'll see if this trend of punctuality continues. Nobody hold your breath: blue is only attractive on those Avatar characters...and even then....

In the backsliding department, now there are even more distractions because The Daughter skips in here to see "Mommie" ever 45 mins to an hour. Why? To chit-chat, of course! Cuz they're like BBF! OMG!

I'm feeling a bit nauseous, so I'll leave today's report there. Hope all you readers out there in Schadenfreude Land are doing better than I.

1 comment:

nacky said...

Just curious, is the daughter a mini-bleh? At least she seems to want to be punctual, but on the other hand there is the gabbing. Does she do any work? Does she wear normal clothes or bleh-clothes? Is she obnoxious in her own right? And what in the world do the two talk about so much?