annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Post Holiday Lull


Post Holiday Lull

Things have been mostly quiet around here. Granted, I've been blocking out a lot of noise with my headphones, but Bleh has pretty much been sitting quietly at her desk. It's kinda weird, ya know? Sure, her horse laugh is still polluting the air, but I haven't had to sit through too many stories of her holiday travel.

So, this isn't a ranty post, but a post nonetheless. I'm sure she'll cock something up soon and of course I'll record it here, but until then, peace to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I. Love. You.

I stumbled upon your blog only a few hours ago, but already I've discovered its the most amazing thing I've ever had the pleasure to read.