annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: A Change of Position


A Change of Position

No, unfortunately not Bleh. She's still right where she's always been -- chipping away at my reason to live with her grating voice at the desk 10 feet away. The change is actually in another department, but comes with Bleh-related news.

One of Bleh's Fat Ass Wednesday pals, whom we'll call Perky, has been promoted to senior secretary. Putting these two in the same square footage is like mixing Coke with Pepsi --- overly sugary with a bad aftertaste. Now that Perky doesn't have to work weekends, I have a sinking feeling she'll be stopping by Bleh's desk more often, not only to weigh-in physically, but socially as well.

I'm sure you're dying to know a bit about Perky, so here goes:

  • Hair: Dorothy Hamill circa 1982
  • Pants: better-fitting than Bleh's (but then again, who's aren't? Seriously!) but still awkwardly high around the ankles
  • Voice: Paula Deen, but higher
  • Loves: The Jesus, sending mushy emails to everyone in the office, chocolate, personal fitness, and ponies! (Gods, I can just see her now, holding court at Curves.)
2010 is going to be quite a year... Sigh. Lucky for you...not so lucky for me. Thanks for reading.

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