Bleh has traipsed off to her semi-weekly (or "biweekly" as she incorrectly calls it) yoga class during lunch. Normally this is fine. I get an hour to myself that's quiet and peaceful.
Not today. She left her cell phone on her desk and the damned thing keeps ringing. Fifty bucks says it's The Husband calling her to ask her to call someone for him. Sheesh!
If I had any balls, I'd sneak over there and "lose" the phone. Permanently.
I don't think there is anything wrong with putting the phone in her desk, turning off the ringer, etc. to make peace in the office while she is gone, especially if you know she is gone for an hour. You can then tell her when she gets back that her phone was ringing very loudly and you put it away and that she might want to check her messages or take it next time because it seemed to be an emergency. If you look concerned when you say this, you should be o.k. but I'm not sure exactly how it will go over given previous relationship history between the two of you. I have put people's phones on vibrate/turned them off before because they left their phone behind in a public service area. No one should be subjected to someone's phone ringing incessantly regardless of their status as employee vs. patron/customer. My two cents.
I agree with the first commenter. Why should you be held prisoner by her thoughlessness? Turn the phone off or put it in her desk and don't say anything. She's so obviously clueless that she'd probably think she turned if off/ put it in her desk herself!
Also, I have been reading your blog for a while and I sometimes wonder why you stay at a job where you are treated so shabbily, not just by Bleh, but by the bosses, too. I understand if you love the job/ the money is good/ the employment situation is bad in your area/ but I just can't imagine why you continue to let the idiots you work with treat you with such contempt. I used to work with a Bleh, who had the same kind of supervisor and the same un-self-awareness and I just had to leave. Life is too short to be unhappy all the time. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, instead of being ignored and scapegoated. Just my two cents, for what it's worth.
Walk by and "accidently" spill a cup of coffee or water on it. SO SORRY BLEH... hope your phone isn't RUINED :<
hee hee hee
When my bleh did that. I took the phone turned it off and sat it to the side of her desk and would you believe it took her half the day to find it?!?! It was laying right there in front of her! I guess since it wasn't blaring constantly she didn't notice it sitting right in front of her.
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