annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Vertigo



Bleh has vertigo. How do I know this? She came into work an hour late, told The Supervisor all about how she spent Saturday in bed but felt better yesterday. And how now she's dizzy again. She also called a physician first thing when she got to her desk and told her the same long story. The doc told her she'd call back.

The doc hadn't called back in half hour, so Bleh called back again, explained the situation all over again to someone else in the doc's office, then left every possible phone number she could be reached at. Perhaps Bleh should go home, yes?

Oy. You may ask, "Why did Bleh bother coming into work if she was experiencing vertigo?" Long-time readers know that Bleh doesn't get much attention at home, so she airs all her personal problems and such here in the office. Why stay home when you can come to work, tell your tales of woe, and get people to fawn over you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, ignorant asshole. Vertigo is awful. You and Bleh go fuck each other.