annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Phone Stats


Phone Stats

Long-time readers (and those who pay attention to the sidebar) will note that Bleh was reprimanded a year ago for spending too much time on personal calls during work hours. She, of course, was furious about that, and stopped taking/making such calls.

Now, however, it seems she's thrown that disciplinary sanction out the window and gone right back to making and taking calls all day long, not caring if her god damned cell phone rings all day or not. It's been a slow hike back to this point, but she's full-on annoying the hell outta me and everyone else just like she was pre-simmer-down-now.

So, I know the month of June isn't over yet, but I thought I'd tally up the number of personal calls she's incurred thus far, just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. So far this month, she's had 45 personal calls. That's a rough average of two a day, yes, but most days it's 4-5 calls, and, I've been out of the office some this month, so my count is not complete.

Does the Supervisor care? It seems not. Bleh has made or received three calls already today, bringing the before-lunch total to 48. Yes, I'm still wearing my headphones, but her cell ring is quite loud.

1 comment:

Booklahver said...

On the lighter side: Summmer, Donnnna?
I was just thinking about that episode today when Topher Grace hosted and he explained "Topher" is the latter part of "Christopher" and why weren't there more names like this? For instance, Matthew could just be "Thew"?
I'm sorry perpetual nuisance is perpetuating.