annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: I feel like I've been taking crazy pills.


I feel like I've been taking crazy pills.

Bleh, for whatever reason, has decided to give up her second job*. Oddly enough, she has recruited another colleague in our office to replace her when she quits job #2 next month. The other colleague apparently wanted a second job to make money to send her kid to college. We'll call this other colleague "Lucy."

So no, there's nothing wrong with this scenario in and of itself.

HOWEVER, there is a problem with the fact that Bleh is on the phone with Lucy right now, giving her tips on how to perform this other job! Hmmm...let's all use our time at this job to train someone else for another job in another office. Nooooooooo... not obvious. Not obvious at all.

*Ironically, she was bragging earlier about having paid cash for the used boat she and The Husband just bought. Bleh Logic: quit your second job and buy a boat.

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