Sorry for my absence dear readers. I've been enjoying an interior world of preselected noises, also known as soothing music. Bleh has been bumbling around the past couple weeks but I see no evil and hear no evil. I know you're all dying to hear me "speak" a little evil, so here goes:
- Number of times Bleh has gotten to the office before me in the past two weeks: once.
- Number of times she's gossiped about a colleague, then was nice to that colleague's face: too many to count. (Plus, I had my headphones on!)
- Number of wedgies her pants (and my eyes My EYES!) have suffered: I'd guess 7 or so. She's worn a few skirts.
Well, headphones cannot eliminate the overall yammering, butt-kissing, never-ending tales of the kids, the calls to and about the husband, and the incessant droning on of Parallel Universe BLEH. When she isn't "working" by yammering on the phone, she goes to other areas (e.g. cubicles not belonging to her) and talks about nothing on a regular basis, making her lack of productivity contagious.
But, karma appears to be a friend of mine as well. She works for a company that just got bought by another and is now worried how new policies might affect her. Will she be able to only work 7 hours a day and still not get caught? Will she still be able to take her annual leave? Will they start tracking her accomplishments?? These are questions that boggle the minds and confuse the stupid.
*gasp* She might have to WORK and be professional! ZOMG! How I look forward to doing a peer review.
Heh heh. Your stats on Bleh remind me of Harper's Index.
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