annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Oh Sweet Jesus in a Handbasket (Or Moses or whatever)


Oh Sweet Jesus in a Handbasket (Or Moses or whatever)

Bleh emailed the Supervisor today to say she'd be in at 9am. Of course she strolled in at 9:17, then disappeared for another 20 mins or so to get coffee. The tipping point? When Bleh told Supervisor that she's working "normal hours" today. WHAT? I guess that means she's leaving at 3:00...

In other Bleh Family news, the Daughter is apparently going to start babysitting. Hmmm...if she's anything like her mother, she'll be on the phone whole time while the kid high-tails it to the nearest electrical outlet.


mlv said...

When did she go home?

Anonymous said...

4:30. I know, I couldn't believe it either.