annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Personal finance skills. What personal finance skills?


Personal finance skills. What personal finance skills?

Remember how Bleh and The Husband couldn't afford to send their daughter to ballet camp this summer and they went on and on about getting her a scholarship to pay for it?

Well, turns out they just bought themselves a brand new flat screen plasma tv. Wow, what a fuck-you to the kid!


julatkinson said...

For real! Jeebus!!

Anonymous said...

That's classic.

Frozen Tootsies said...

Uh huh. Prolly bought it on the zero down, zero interest and no payments for 90/120/180/whatever days plan. After which they'll owe interest at some godawful high rate 'cause you KNOW they won't get it paid off by then.

Calendar it. Ninety days from now. Or whenever that special zero interest zero payment time is up. She'll be on the phone nonstop. All wracked outta shape over all the money they owe.

Just hide and watch.

Hope you CAN hide, actually. Nice job with moving the stuff for a visual barrier anyway!

Anonymous said...

My bleh has been on her non-stop phone calls for nearly an hour. I walked in on what sounds like some version of a non-stop talk show where only the host speaks. There are days I really wish I was somewhere else. It's amazing, seriously, that she is so oblivious to how it affects the other people around her and/or that nobody will do anything about it. I was thinking maybe something got said but I figured out the only time she is quiet is when she is actually working.