annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: The Buffalo Excuse


The Buffalo Excuse

Yep, there was a buffalo blocking Bleh's car this morning, hence her late arrival. I was surprised she even gave an excuse. She usually just strolls in 15 to 20 minutes late everyday without a word.

I found it satisfying that she told each person in the office personally about this incident, save for me (although I'm sure she knew I heard her story every time she told it).

You know...if she had any wits, she would have never agreed to living an hour away from her job on a working farm that she can neither commute from in a timely manner, nor manage effectively while working a full-time job and a 2nd part-time job. How many jobs does The Husband have? Only one. Enough said.


Frozen Tootsies said...

Ooooh, don't tell me. Let me look into my crystal ball using my psychic powers: ummmm ummmm . . .

Aha! The farm was THE HUSBAND'S idea. Peace and quiet in a rural idyll as a break from his distinguished academic labors.

Not, of course, that he would lift one of his royal fingers to do any WORK around said farm. That's for the little wifey to take care of. Along with the kids and bringing in some money to keep the farm running because god forbid his teaching salary would cover that shit.

Lazy fucktard.

Now, is Bleh such a head case because she's been living with him and (gad!) bearing his spawn, or would only another serious fucktard with severely impaired social skills even look twice at Professor Domestic Prince?

Thesis material, anybody?

mlv said...

I forgot about the farm, so I wondered how in the world a buffalo got on campus.
Anything can happen in Texas.