annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Some news is not good news


Some news is not good news

Well it turns out Bleh isn't going anywhere. At least not to another office, anyway. Sigh. I overheard her talking to the Supervisor this morning about scheduling her 2-week vacation next summer. Sure, it'll be great to get 2 weeks off from her, but damn, I was kinda hoping she would just get another job. Guess no one else would hire her.

Also, school's back in session, so she came in 20 minutes late this morning (her usual fall and spring schedule). It turns out The Husband chose to teach a late class Tues-Thurs this semester, so he can't take the daughter to ballet. (He doesn't have to do anything, it seems. Just be a pampered baby.) To accommodate her daughter, Bleh's worked up a funky schedule so she can take off work to schlep said kid to dance twice a week. Oh, and--get this!--she told the Sup that she will be in about 20 minutes late every morning from now on because of getting her kids to school. Why get up earlier when you can just be late to work?

Gee, how thoughtful of you to let us know, Bleh. You reproduced and now you get special work hours?! You get to come in late every day?! You're gonna work through lunch and leave early? On a weekly basis?! Geez! I have nothing against working mothers, but Bleh is really terrible at managing her personal life. And here, she gets a special pass from the Sup for it. WTF?


Anonymous said...

Wait, she can schedule her vacation a year ahead of time, but she can't figure out a way to get her kids to their after-school activities right now?

Anonymous said...

ahahaaaa Wow. Too bad you aren't in management there.

Juice S. Aaron said...

Just got rid of my Bleh. Good luck with yours.

Anonymous said...

The entire Bleh family sucks ass.