annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Just a few things...


Just a few things...

...I don't like about Bleh:

  1. Her cloying little girl voice and her horse-whinny laugh.
  2. Her ever-present wedgie. Damn, that must hurt!
  3. She got her college degree online and is proud of that fact.
  4. She thinks she is professional because she sits at a big-girl desk.
  5. She always inserts herself into any conversation or situation that may take place within 20 feet of her.
  6. She thinks she's the victim now that she can't yap about her kid's soccer practice or ballet lessons all day anymore.
  7. The way she bobs up and down when she walks. What, is the floor uneven? No.
  8. The fact that instead of openly hating me, she fakes her interactions with me by smiling and laughing. I don't know which is worse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My bleh here has been on the phone for t-70 minutes and counting. Non-stop. And it gets even better. She's on one personal call on the company phone, then her cell phone rings as loud as an alarm clock and she talks on it while putting the other on hold.

Wouldn't be so bad, but I can hear her now through my headphones.

Wow. And nobody does anything.