annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Finally Friday - liveblogging Bleh's entrance


Finally Friday - liveblogging Bleh's entrance

It's been a long week, folks. Soon I'll get three entire days away from Bleh!

Bleh came in at 8:15 today. That's early for her. She spent a few minutes yapping to us about how late she worked last night (um, no one made you take on a shift in another department, so stop whining!) and then walked around selling eggs.* Oh, and now she's "off to get some coffee."

We won't be seeing her for a while, so I'm going to stop now and enjoy the silence.

*Yes, in addition to having 2 jobs, 2 kids, and a bossy/lazy husband, she also runs a farm with chickens, horses and goats. No wonder she's a mess!


Anonymous said...

Maybe she should get her husband to do some actual work and turn a profit on their farm so she can quit.

Anonymous said...

But then she couldn't come to the office and moan about how hard her life is and how little money they have.

Anonymous said...

Check it out. My Bleh has actually been (gasp!) working. No long yammering phone calls, no major interrupting, no major constant ringing of the office phone. I'd like to think my escalation of events has contributed, but it might have something to do with the fact I have been emitting noxious attitude because we're BURIED with work. (Yeah, I should probably stop.)

Sounds like your Bleh really is having a rough time of it. If she's the one towing the line, you're right: no wonder she is a wreck and has her lives bleed together. :(

My Bleh really has no excuse.

Frozen Tootsies said...

I just found this blog yesterday. Love the blog. Hate that you have to live through the raw material for it.

I kinda feel sorry for Bleh; she's obviously married to a real Prince - as in raised by his mom to never lift a fuckin finger around the house except to scratch his own butt. Or maybe not even then.

But then I read how she acts at her workplace and the sympathy dwindles.

mlv said...

At first I thought she was selling eggs for procreation. We don't need any more ballet camp kiddies roaming arounds!