annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: 2017 Check-In


2017 Check-In

For some strange reason, this blog popped into my mind today and I logged in. It took me a minute, because I couldn't remember what email address I used for this blogger account. I finally figured it out and here I am.

I haven't actually seen Bleh in a couple years. I can't believe it's been over 3 years since I haven't had to work with her. I feel better, I sleep better, and I am not filled to bursting with annoyance and exasperation on a daily basis anymore.

Bleh's Husband still works for the same company I do, but I rarely see him (bonus!). I noticed recently that he had stopped wearing a wedding band (or had never worn one?), so I wondered if Bleh had finally divorced the bastard, but then I saw an email The Husband accidentally (?) hit "reply all" to and mentioned he and Bleh had gone on a vacation together recently. So I guess they're not divorced?

Sigh. Don't know. Don't really care.

It's funny how much Bleh affected my health and wellbeing back then. I actually like going to work now and feel pretty fulfilled. I haven't even looked at a job ad in many months. I also don't drink hard liquor nightly anymore either. That alone is a major quality of life improvement.

So, whatever Bleh's doing, or wherever she is, I'm just glad she's not here. Life goes on. Fortunately, it's going on here without her.

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