annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Two-Face Returns


Two-Face Returns

Bleh is gossiping in a quasi-whisper* about another colleague's house, saying how disgusting and cluttered it is. (Bleh apparently went over to "help" this colleague move last weekend. What her interior motive was, who knows? But you readers know she had one; she's not a philanthropist.)

Fine, whatever. Gossip away.

But DON'T pretend to be best pals with the person, giving them hugs in the office, and act all nice to their face, then turn around the moment they're gone and yap on and on about the state of this person's house. Yes, the colleague probably has a hoarding problem. The state of their desk is pretty indicative of such an inclination. Hoarding is usually the result of some kind of mental duress or obsession; it's not really the person's fault.

But Bleh has no sense of tact or delicacy; she's just out to get whatever attention she can, despite whoever she may hurt.

Ye Gods!

Do I tell the colleague? Or just stay the hell out of it? It really wouldn't do any good to let Colleague know what a sniping two-faced bitch Bleh is (if Colleague doesn't know already.)

I'm really pissed, so I'm going to take a break now.

*If Bleh really wanted to speak of something secretly, she'd take it outside.

1 comment:

Bro said...

Oh my god!!!!!! I have a co worker who really similar to what u have described. I hate her to the max...fxxking annoying man....