annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Still here


Still here

I'm still here, folks! The job I applied for went to someone else. I guess. I didn't hear back and they have taken the posting down. Guess the recession has made it to where employers don't have to be courteous. Oh well. There will be other job openings!

I'm posting also to say that Mini-Bleh is back in the office. This kid has to come by every day to see "mommie" and dish. When I started college, the LAST thing I wanted to do was hang out with my mother. It's called "Leaving the Nest" and everyone does it. Well, everyone except Mini-Bleh who goes to college in the same town her mom works in and stops in all the f*cking time!

But I digress. Fall is in full-swing, the trees have turned color, and next week promises work holidays and good food. And yes, a break from Bleh. That's what I'll be most thankful for.

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