annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: 45 Minutes


45 Minutes

Bleh strolled in 45 minutes late this morning. She told the Supervisor she had to drop her daughter off at the public library today, but found out the library doesn't open til 10. So they called the daughter's friend, whose mother (whom Bleh said looked like she was on drugs) came to pick the daughter up. (Why isn't the kid in school?!)

That said, Bleh then proceeded to ask Supervisor if she could take a long lunch to run errands because she worked through lunch yesterday. Supervisor actually said yes!

Um, didn't Bleh just walk in 45 minutes late? How does that not practically cancel out her extra hour from yesterday??

Wow. Just wow.

Yes, I'm keeping my eyes open for another job or line of work. Something where I won't have to listen to banal people droning on and on about their boring children. Yes, I know that will be difficult.

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