annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: She's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack


She's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack

Bleh CAME BACK to the office today, after seeing her doctor because The Husband had to work this afternoon and they only have one car.

Wow, the guy won't even drive his sick wife home. Instead he makes her come to the office where she'll get us ALL sick. F*cker! And get this: she's coughing and saying she hopes her husband doesn't come down with her bronchitis! WTF? What about us? I'd punch her, but then I'd probably get her cough cooties.



nacky said...

Just got around to reading the last six accounts of your travails (just putting up with that woman counts as travails in my book). Being too lazy to research backwards, I have a question. Can it be that the kid has college visiting days but is too young to be left home alone? Am I correct in assuming that this is also the same child that came in while ill (I seem to remember another spawn that was male)? Is there any reason why said child couldn't be left at home? They are obviously capable of using telephones.

Am I correct in assuming that your working situation is such that employees don't randomly bring their children to work, much less ones that are ill? Seriously, this is just boggling. I can picture all kinds of emergencies where someone might have to appear at work with progeny in tow, but Bleh seems to randomly inflict offspring on co-workers with complete abandon.

Combine the familial horking with the lack of hand washing and you are potentially in grave danger. Who knows what bacteria are combining and mutating on those unwashed mitts.

I sincerely hope that you remain hale and sound in body and mind despite your difficult circumstances.

May I add; the supervisor seems to be negligent, to say the least - not that I am a fan of hyper-supervision, but does Bleh do anything for the money that she is paid (assuming she is not recompensed in nuts and berries)?

Anonymous said...

The kid is 17. Yep, Bleh brings her and the brother (who is 13) in fairly often. I was left home to babysit my younger siblings starting at age 11. Bleh's just a helicopter mom.

nacky said...

That's not just a plain old ordinary helicopter mom, that's a Mil Mi-26 mom (second-largest helicopter in the world according to an aerospace website). 17 and 13! What's going to happen to them should they free themselves from Bleh's clutches? Can they cross the street by themselves?

There is really no excuse for the nonsense she pulls. Does she also declare herself to be a great parent because she controls everything about the children's lives while at the same time being long suffering in her utter devotion and sacrifice to the spawn?

By the way, what is the husband doing (who I believe has a job with bunches of free time) when kids are holed up (sick or well) in your office?

And now I have read (hope it's ok to put this comment here) of her ungraciousness in the post from 2.19. Nothing like doing something nice for somebody only to be met with suspicion and ingratitude. Doesn't office etiquette say that she should at least say the thank you words even if she doesn't mean it?