annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: My mind's playin' tricks on me...


My mind's playin' tricks on me...

Okay, so the kid isn't here as a passive-aggressive move. She's here because -- get this -- she has 2 college visit days and she decided she didn't want to go to school today. Her mother is letting her skip school AND brought her here instead. Um, shouldn't the kid use the day to, oh I don't know....visit a college??!! Instead, we get more in-office babysitting here at The Office that Time Forgot.



Kimmy said...

Hey -- How has Perky been? As bad as you thought? Is she still around?

Anonymous said...

Perky has been off in her office. I haven't seen her much, so I guess The Powers That Be are keeping her busy. This is a very good thing!