annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Everybody dance!


Everybody dance!

Or get fed up. Either way, here's another post about Bleh.

Today she's been on the phone trying to figure out dance lessons for her daughter next year. The kid has "elected" to graduate high school a year early* so she can go to the local university, conveniently located 30 minutes from the BFE Bleh n' Family live in now.

So, Daughter will go to college a year early, and continue to live the sheltered life at home with her helicopter parents. Yikes! I feel bad for the kid, but maybe this impending life-wreck will encourage her to grow a pair and stand up to her coddlers? Or maybe not. Perhaps she'll become another entitled office drone who bugs the shit out of her co-workers by airing her personal business?

*Who wants to bet mommy and daddy pushed her to do this?


XX said...

She will become another Bleh for sure. hopefully she gets knocked up in college and will become a stay at home Mum who can't go to work.

Ms. Anthropy said...

I can't believe how bitter y'all are.

RTS said...

Hahaha, you know I have been reading this for a while. Anyway, I feel compelled to comment (again) on people who want to take issue with this blog.

1. This is the personal blog of someone who is obviously venting about a situation no confrontation would undo or change. Those of us who are in similar situations realize how futile starting a war over very real work disruptions end up. YOU look like the b-tch for bringing up a real issue (i.e. co-worker "working" while really stealing company time and justifying it by french-kissing the deep bowels of the supervisor) that really is caustic to the group at large. It goes beyond having to deal with the occasional long phone call or abuse of surrounding co-workers by the revealing of every single personal detail inappropriate for anyone, especially at work. I know this because I, too, have a Bleh clone and another who is following in her footsteps within 5 feet of me at any given time. Those of you who are not 'blessed' with your very own Bleh should shut up already.

2. It's not bitterness, unforgiveness, or b-tchiness that drives this blog (as far as I can tell). For those of you feeling a little preachy, go here and contribute your own brand of self-righteousness: It is not right to attack the motives of the author when it's pretty obvious the point of this blog is spelled out in black and white to the right of the main page.

3. I completely sympathize with the author of this blog. When we, the victims of all Blehs everywhere, spend a good majority of our waking lives around Blehs so self-absorbed that their actions are not even modified in the least little bit to accommodate the fact they are at work and in public, it's beyond stressful. Again, I cannot stress it enough...if you have not been in this situation, yapper shut is the way to go. Seriously.

Ms. Carole said...

I love your blog - and unfortunately feel your pain. I am in a similar situation, so thought I'd search online for some tips to deal with it everyday. It is amazing that you know every detail of Bleh's life. I say this not to criticize, but because I have several coworkers that sit next to me. I know everything about their lives - illnesses, who is getting married, fights they have with their sig. others, etc..

Bleh sounds like a hardworking slacker to me! Good luck with your situation. Oh and I didn't make that term up (hardworking slacker). I saw it in a book about annoying coworkers that was actually pretty funny. It helped to see that someone else has also experienced the same frustrations: