annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: The kid


The kid

Bleh's on the phone with someone discussing her son. Apparently he got mad at someone at school or got into a fight and is in trouble...? Of course, Bleh has no problem having this personal conversation loudly and publicly. Supposedly he won't be suspended for whatever he did, but he is in trouble. Hmmm. If Bleh was my mother, I'd be an angry kid, too.


Bleh gave up on blogging about her weight. She couldn't get it. Go figure. However, she's still wearing pants with wedgies and bending at the waist whenever she needs to pick something up. Oy.

The soiree at her cave got moved to another date. I have another committment, so I can't go. I will ask others who do go to let me know if anything bizarre happens.

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