annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: The Dinner Party


The Dinner Party

Bleh has invited all of her coworkers (including yours truly) to her house for a dinner party. Now, there's no way I'm going to eat anything Ms. No-Handwashing makes, much less drive all the way out to the boonies to do it. I just haven't figured out how to "respectfully decline" the invitation without A) having to talk to Bleh for more than 30 seconds, B) avoiding her inevitable line of interrogation of why I cannot attend her very important dinner, and/or C) vomit in my mouth.

Yes, part of me is deadly curious to see the cave this woman and her crazy family live in, but all the effort in getting there, much less all the booze I'd have to consume to stay socially docile are really pulling down the "con" column of this pro/con dilemma.

Don't worry, Readers. I'll let you know what happens either way.

1 comment:

RTS said...

I think you should go. Drink up as a safety precaution, but think about the intel you would get from said reconnaissance mission.
