annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Collection of "EWWW!"


Collection of "EWWW!"

  • Bleh is asking a colleague about how to talk to her daughter about sex. Apparently, the daughter has a crush on some boy in her ballet class and Bleh hasn't given her kid "the talk" yet. Eww. Didn't need to hear that conversation, but then, I don't get a choice in this office, do I? Bleh needs everyone to know her business.
  • Bleh has, um, graduated from wedgie'd pants to wedgies AND camel toes. I almost lost my breakfast the other day when she came over to my desk and stood chatting, camel toe at my eye level, while I tried desperately to look elsewhere. For the love of the gods! Get some pants that fit!

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