annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker


Bleh told me yesterday before she left that she'd be in this morning at 9am since she had to work an evening shift. When did she arrive? 9:47 am. Then she went to get coffee. It's been almost half an hour and she's not back yet from the lounge.

I wasn't aware we had such a lax attendance policy, but then again, the Supervisor is out today.


Anonymous said...

I just started reading. Was amused at first, then got a bit upset for you. I have 2 Bleh's here. Rejoicing the fact one of them is pregnant - she'll get 4 motnhs maternity leave soon, hurray! - however, that does not stop the other one from making her personal calls louder than her professional ones.
The best thing for you bloodpressure and sanity, is try to ignore it. Not always easy, I know, but on those days you can, worklife is great!

mlv said...

I loathe your Supervisor as much as I loathe Bleh.

Anonymous said...

Eh, the Supervisor ain't so bad. She's just too nice to be an effective manager.