annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: All your conversations are belong to us


All your conversations are belong to us

The other day the Supervisor came over to my desk to discretely ask if I'd like to attend a training session with her next week. I said sure and we began to plan. Without prompting Bleh got up from her desk, walked over to us, and interrupted saying, "What's this?"

The Sup looked at her and told her about the training. Bleh said, "Oh. Can I come too?" The Sup said yes. I gave a deep sigh, realizing my chance to have some non-Bleh time just got squashed by Bleh herself. Oh goodie.


Anonymous said...

One of the MOST annoying things about my former bleh (I thank God every day that she's gone) is that she too would "accidentally overhear" my conversations but she would hear incorrectly and give her opinion on a totally different subject and when you would try to tell her that was NOT the subject you were discussing she would get defensive like you were belittling her. Whatever! Let her sound like a fool. That is what she does best. It's AMAZING how when you would ask her to do her job she was totally deaf and ignored you, but you discuss something and don't include her and she could be across the building and her radar would pick it up! Total idiot.

Anonymous said...

Radar! Yes! That's exactly it. It's as though she has some odd radar that hones in on conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with her.