annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Yay! A Bounty!


Yay! A Bounty!

Turns out Bleh will be out the rest of the week. Don't know why. Don't care. Hopefully she and the concerned commenter 2 posts down can both chillax. I know I will be!


Anonymous said...

hahahahhaha ur posts are brilliant.

Anonymous said...

May god have mercy on your soul. if she ever manages to get fired, give her this web adress. it would make all those hellacious office hours a little bit sweeter in retrospect.

Anonymous said...

There is still hope for you. Just when I thought that I was going to have to take medication to dull the daily stupidity at work my bleh found another job. Thank God she's gone and maybe one day yours will be too :)

Ahhhhh....the peace and tranquility without her there IS AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

I am so envious of you.

My Bleh has returned from vacation and my peaceful work life is shattered. Guess I can always shut the office door on the incessant honk honk honk of her voice.