annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Oblivious to her heart's content


Oblivious to her heart's content

Bleh strolled in at quarter-after this morning, ranting about how traffic was crazy today. She asked the rest of us (who managed to make it to work on time, despite said traffic) if we noticed just how crazy it was.

I replied, "School started today."

Bleh said, "Oh, that explains it."

Wow. For a woman who has two school-aged children, you'd think she'd have figured that one out. Oh, and phone call watchers: she left to get a coffee and it started blaring. Another colleague walked by and asked if I was playing a game. I said no. Colleague said, "Cell phone?" I nodded. Colleague said, "That's really annoying." I said, "Just. A. Little."


Anonymous said...

What the f*** is wrong with you. You have to be the most spiteful immature little bit** i've ever come across. How about you stop being so shallow and keep this shit to yourself.
How pathetic do you really have to be to create a blog whose sole purpose is to scritinise the every action of this poor woman.
All i have to say to you is f*** off bit**

Anonymous said...

Don't like it? Don't read it. Buh-bye.

Anonymous said...

Bleh? Is that you?

LiveTheLieandLoveIt said...

"scritinise"? nice! dont like it, dont read it! I just discovered this blog, and I love it! DOWN WITH BLEH!!!!

Anonymous said...

dude, call for /b/ackup.
/b/ <-- your new best friend

Anonymous said...

You know, Anonymous #1, the beauty of a blog--anonymously written--is just that. It's a venting that can have other people view and comment on if they wish. It's called the Internet and it's a place for all to use, not just morally upstanding folks like yourself.

How about you realize that the Author has a right to write whatever he/she wishes and you have the right to go somewhere else and experience more mature musings.

Go watch Lifetime. Ass.

Anonymous said...


you're my new best friend!! :-)

Suz said...

Lord, I love this blog.

My holiday wish for the world is that by now Anonymous #1 has expired from the inevitable asphyxiation that results when one's head is shoved so far up one's own rear.

Anonymous said...

I know it's been 10 years, and I'm only half way through reading this, but I love it. I have my very own Bleh and I keep my own person blog about it as well. I thought about making a public blog, but then you get losers....not mentioning any names....making rude comments about your rude comments. So maybe I'll just keep mine private. Well, I have to go now. I have much more reading to do!