annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Hey Everybody! It's whispering time again!


Hey Everybody! It's whispering time again!

Bleh's daughter is upset about something. She's been in and out of the office all day, so has The Son. Daughter huffed off to the bathroom, then went to the water cooler when she came out. Bleh went over to her, bent down, and asked her in a loud whisper, "What's the matter?"

Whispering AND Bleh's big ass in the air. Geez, whatever did I do to deserve all this?

Now Bleh and The Daughter are leaving the office to go chat about their feelings or something. Jesus! Why aren't the kids over at The Husband's office today?


Anonymous said...

How can she have hypertyroidism AND a big ass? She must be stuffing her piehole with lots of crap :)

Anonymous said...

I believe if she went to a non-idiot doctor, she'd be told she really has hypochondria, not a minor glandular problem.