annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: A Pift is just a Pift


A Pift is just a Pift

Reason #463 it's a bad idea to have a bathroom inside the office:

Bleh's farts are clearly audible from 20 feet away. Eww.

There is a silver lining however! She actually washed her hands! (Or, at least she turned the faucet on.) To top things off, she's wearing her best "mom khakis" featuring a painful looking wedgie. Thankfully we have a long holiday weekend. Only 6 more hours to go...


Booklahver said...

Yeah....if you know you're going to be "audible" frequently during bathroom trips, seems like you would walk the extra howevermanyfeet to the bathroom that's NOT next to your co-workers cubies. Same thing when you need to have a bm: courtesy would take you the extra step. But since this bit of God's creation is divine, there's obviously no need.

Booklahver said...

I think if I had continued working in the same area as Slutwitch Becky, I would have needed an outlet like this. Most times when I go in her area (that's where the microwave is), she is making personal phone calls. That and her nasty attitude got me into therapy. However, she does have good fashion sense even if it is tainted by the darkness of her soul. Just my own observation that I made yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I have a coworker that continuously eats things she's not supposed to and then goes to the bathroom and throws up. It is painfully audible to all other coworkers AND customers. Of course right after she eats the forbidden food she whines about it being stuck "right here" and then announces to the entire office that she is going to the bathroom to barf. Like anyone GIVES A CRAP ! Stop eating stuff that you're not supposed to IDIOT !

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bad case of bulimia and low self-esteem.