annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Sailing doesn't take her away either.


Sailing doesn't take her away either.

Bleh is telling the Supervisor (very loudly, of course) that she couldn't go sailing in the new boat this weekend because it was too windy.

A single tear falls...


Anonymous said...

That's husterical. :) sad Obliviousupervisor (new word, like it?) seems to be encouraging these personal declarations of non-work.

Parallel Universe Bleh and I have been working together on a project and things have been amazingly better. Now that she actually has something worthwhile to do, the phone calls dramatically ceased. That's a huge concept: Obliviousupervisor should *gasp* make her actually accountable for something.

Anonymous said...

Drrr....that's HYSTERICAL, although husterical sounds a little like haustorial which is all kinds o' funny. My bad.