annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: The Sick Colleague


The Sick Colleague

We unfortunately have a sick colleague in the office. From the complaining, you'd think Bleh was the one in need of medical attention. Ooops, I said the magic word: attention. Bleh's milking everything she can get out of this other person's illness, everything from "Oh, I'm so worried about [Colleague]!" to "I hope I never get what [Colleague] has. I just couldn't handle it." to "Do you think I have a fever? I feel warm."

Yup, even if she's not the ill person, she's gotta keep the attention on her.


julatkinson said...

Bleh is completely shameless. Jeebus!!

I hope your actually sick colleague recovers quickly.

mlv said...

What does the person have? Sickle cell anemia?

Anonymous said...

Hey, thought I'd update you on Parallel Universe Bleh. All, there is hope! My bleh finally had enough complaints about her unprofessional behavior that our director finally laid down the law. Bleh was shocked and stated nobody had ever complained about her behavior before and how she thought I was the one who complained. I'm pretty straightforward and had offered to directly deal with her nonstop personal phone calls, but apparently I am not the only one who got fed up with it. Things have been much quieter here. Finally!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how "shocked" these annoying coworkers are when they're told they're annoying?