Bleh told The Supervisor at 11:40 she was going to lunch and would be back in an hour and a half. She pledged to make this extra time up tomorrow. (Whatever. She pulls that shit all the time.) What's eating me is that she waltzed back in just now, over 2 hours later.
What did Sup say? Nothing.
Bleh must have a sister who works with me - glad to see I'm not the only one having issues with a co-"worker" (and I use that term VERY lightly)
Glad to have you posting again -- Bleh's antics are a highlight of my online reading!
One way to let the sup see what a problem this is would be to schedule a Very Important Appointment to begin at the time Bleh has said she'll be back. "But Mr. Lumberg, Bleh's not back yet and if I don't get to the doctor by 1:30 I may lose my foot!" Could be fun.
Snicker snicker snort snort. Funny stuff. Parallel-Universe Bleh spent 4 hours on the phone, nearly non-stop, in a 6 hour period. The only break we got from it today was her trip to ingratiate herself to the director and a trip or two to the bathroom. My conference calls were fun fun fun!
I just found this blog... thanks! I have a Bleh too. Only I call her "Duh". Duh is always 30-40 minutes late, always leaving early, her cell phone rings constantly so we have to listen to all her annoying personal calls, is always laying out of work to do stuff for her husband's business, and you can hear her loud voice and nerve-racking laugh all the way down the hall. And she tells me every little move she makes. "I'm going to the bathroom now. I'm going to get coffee. (It takes her 30 minutes to get a cup of coffee!) Glad I'm not alone!
I think the person who might suck worse than Bleh is the Supervisor, who lets her get away with it.
we have our own Bleh here as far as loose interpretations of working hours go, though thank god our Bleh doesn't have to make personal calls within everyone's earshot (because he has his own office). He hardly gets anything done when he IS here, but it's even more annoying that his ass isn't even plunked on his chair for 8 hours a day. I feel your pain! (and i've never commented before, but a coworker and I *love* the Chronicles of Bleh--keep 'em coming).
Today, our version of Bleh came in at 8:33. Went straight to get her coffee and zap her sausage biscuit. Finally got back to her desk at 8:48. Spent 15 minutes gabbing on the phone about her trip this weekend. Made one work related phone call. And is now leaving to go on said trip. (9:14 am)Why even come in to work??
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