Well, she's baaaaaaaaack. She apparently visited her mother. Bleh's been gushing about her like a lovesick teenager pining for Johnny Depp, circa 1988. Yeah, it's kinda weird. Bleh also mentioned she took some really nice photos of her mom. Okay, we get it, you worship your mom. Simma' down now!
Bleh's daughter also returns. No, not to the office (thank ye gods!) but from ballerina camp. What will we do without the daily freakout session of ohmigawd my child is in another state for 3 weeks where i sent her of my own free will?! variety. We'll relax, I guess.
Other than that, I've had my earphones in all morning. See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. Well I'm working on that last part.
OMG the one here is back. It's already started with non-stop chatfest. Please please please please go away. I have, however, vowed to address this head on when the distractions resurface. Not that I can (in reality) pull rank, but I can try. Wish me luck.
Who is the queen of disco?
Donna Summer?
Uh huh, and how do her name appear in the phonebook?
Summer, Donna?
Stretch it out now~
Suummerr Donnna...
Simma' downna simma downna!
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