annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: She's baaaaaack...


She's baaaaaack...

Well, the first twelve minutes of work were great. No Bleh.

Then she arrived. She's still on the other end of the building, but I can hear her cracking voice yapping about how hard it was to drop off Little Whiny (a.k.a. her daughter) at ballet camp this weekend. Oh boohoo. It seems today many parents have this bizarre drive to be bestest pals with their kids or something. It's weird. Back in my day, most mothers I knew were happy to drop their kids off at camp or whatever for a couple weeks just to get some peace and quiet and give little Timmy or Tammy a chance to learn to handle life on their own.

Uh-oh, here she comes. Please please please god, don't let her tell me about her stay at the Ambassador. [Covering ears, humming loudly...]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From what I've read on your blog, I wonder if Bleh is helicoptering so she can feel better, rather than for the benefit of her kids.

Keep the posts coming! I read your blog on my breaks at work.