annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Here we go....


Here we go....

Bleh just told our immediate supervisor that she went to the head honcho this morning and asked if she could do other jobs at the office next year so that--get this--she won't lose her "professional skills she's worked so hard to get."

  • One, what professional skills?
  • Two, quit trying to be everything to everyone, Bleh! Hell, you're having trouble being professional in the position you have right now.
  • Three, what's next? Bleh takes over the entire office? Why does she need to work in every department? Not that I mind her being out of my area, not in the least, but um, you were hired for this job, Bleh, not the job in the next room.
  • Four, it is wayyyyy too early for this shit. I need a cigarette.

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