annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Back to the Old Way


Back to the Old Way

Bleh strolled in at 8:18 today. So we're back to old habits now, I guess. Oddly she only took 5 minutes to get coffee instead of her usual 20 (so it can be done!). A long loud chat about vacation times ensued with the supervisor; I did my best to block her out.

I also sat through a discussion of her whining about having to volunteer for her kid's field trip (um, nobody's making you), yet another mention of her other kid's upcoming ballet camp, and a phone call to the doctor to reschedule an appointment again.

Me? I've been working. I got 8 units out while she was getting her personal life in order. I visit with the head honcho today for our biweekly chat --- it's gonna be a struggle for me not to blurt out how much I can't stand the Uber Distraction that is Bleh, but I'm gonna try to keep it together.

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