annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: Who is Bleh?


Who is Bleh?

My colleague, who will we call Whiny Baby Doll Voice Lady, or "Bleh", for short. She's having a personal conversation on her cell. This call has been going on for 15 minutes now... This happens daily. Multiple times every day. It's ridiculous how much time she spends at work not working.

Other things that bother me about Bleh:

  • Her voice. She's 40 but she sounds like she's 12. Think Jennifer Tilly meets Melanie Griffiths. Stir.
  • Her laugh. It's wimpy and insincere. There's a lot of gurgling involved.
  • Her husband. He calls her, they argue, they make up. Repeat.
  • Her pants. They often ride up her crack. Not pretty. She wears "mom jeans" too.
  • Her kids. Her kids are actually sweet; however, the way Bleh constantly gushes on about them is not. Oh, and she brings them to the office all the time, like we're some sort of babysitting service.
  • Her personality. While she can be thoughtful, she tries too hard. She often comes across as a kiss-up. It's sad to watch.
Oy. I'm sorry it's come to this. It's been a long day. (I'm currently working hour 11 of 12 today.) Bleh is not a bad person, just a really annoying one who has no clue how to behave in a professional environment. What kills me is she gets away with it and I have to watch.

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