annoying coworker The Chronicles of Bleh: My Annoying Coworker: The Call about the Doctor


The Call about the Doctor

Bleh's husband, who we'll call The Husband, went to the doctor this morning and he dropped off their kids here at the office so Bleh could babysit. The kids got a bit restless and Bleh had to shush them a few times before threatening to take away the computer. They then quieted down.

The Husband called an hour later and the raised voices began. Bleh loudly conversed with The Husband about what to do with the kids. Apparently The Husband's doctor visit went quickly and Bleh didn't know what to do. (Seriously, she said that.) The arguing slowly quieted and the conversation dulled into mushy "honey" and "baby" and, before I could vomit, the call ended.

Twenty minutes later, The Husband shows up at the office. Great, now the whole family is here. They're going to lunch. How sweet.

Get out!

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